Thursday, August 8, 2013

On Longing, Unfulfilled Dreams, and Some Self-Pity/Blog 2 on Day 8

I'm trying to get nothing done by sitting here on my bed typing into the computer, looking into this or that site--longing for me to be some people I see on the internet that I'm not.

Why do they get to do what they do and I don't?  Why can't I find my way to that place where work is a joy?

If I stay in this place, all will be the same.  I'll drink the same coffee from the same cup.  I'll consider the same things every day and not make forward steps into my future.  I'll look "at" doing something different but not do anything different.  And on and on it goes.

Life is not long.  Life is short.  We're only given this brief slice of time to fulfill our desires, to love, to be kind, to help others.  But if we're stuck in a situation we're not loving, what do we do?

I go into "longing" a lot.  I long for things to be different.  I long for a life full of art and writing.  I long to help others fulfill their dreams and potential.  I long to be a catalyst for change, for myself, and for others.

Longing can get one started, but it doesn't make one keep going.

Why not me?  Why not my creativity, my artwork, my offerings, my goals, my dreams, my future?  I wish I knew.

Is "fulfilling your dreams" closed to me?  Or is there a tiny crack with light slipping through that offers the chance, I can be who I want to be.

I wonder if I'll run out of time before I truly feel fulfilled.


  1. Karen you have left me some amazing comments on my blog and this is the first time I've been able to get to yours in return. I'm sorry I took so long.
    The longing. I get that. I really get that. I am longing (LONGING!) to spill my story to the world but current circumstances prevent it. I am waiting for something to happen because I have to, and when it does, I will be released like a bird from a cage. My story will be told and I feel like that will catapult me forward with my dreams.
    You say longing doesn't make one keep going. So what can you do today that will help you to keep going, to move forwards? I write this in my journal a lot and kind of brainstorm what steps I can take.
    Hugs, Zoe x

    1. Zoe, Thanks for your note. I understand about circumstances preventing you from doing what you want to do. I hope you will be able to be cage free soon. I guess that writing was stream of consciousness, and this is how I feel at times, and other times I am more hopeful. I am the kind of soul who shares most things as I believe the truth of it is important. I keep going with my art and my writing in hopes it will lead to more fulfillment. There are things I can do to work toward getting the novel out. I have completed revisions just recently. Now I need to write letters to seek agents. I just need to break it down into little steps. I think I will get there. There are moments that I feel less sure. Your comment means a great deal. Thank you so much.

  2. I totally get the longing. The next step is to dream up steps you can take. What's stopping you? What obstacles stand in your way? If you could do anything, what would you do? Do it for 20 minutes. Start somewhere. xo

  3. Effy, Thanks for you reply. These are good questions I need to ask myself. I may try journaling from them and see what comes. Then I can start doing those things for 20 minutes. "Start somewhere." I love that. Love and light, Karen

  4. Oh Karen,,,,no way are these things closed to you. I do get the longing, been there done that. I finally decide that I was sabatoging myself with negetive thoughts. What you think you percieve. I started saying positive affirmations. Then I started a dream board that was always in plain view. It made a huge difference for me because I actually started thinking all these things were possible and they were/are!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sheila, I have done a dream board in the past and it was a positive experience. I may try that again. Thanks for mentioning it. I've gotten some wonderful thoughts from others on this post and I am extremely thankful!

  5. Sending you gentle encouragement as you explore the stuck and welcome in the next steps.

    1. Deborah, Thanks so much for encouragement for me on this journey. I have felt supported by the sweet bloggers. It's nice to know others understand.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Lately I've been thinking a lot about my dreams also, we can only hope that they will come true, but in order for this to happen we have to work towards them. There is always time.

    1. ulia, Thanks for your words of encouragement. I know the work is a key aspect to realizing our dreams and gratitude. I think gratitude puts us in a place to be open to the work.

  8. Karen, your writing already makes a difference :)
