Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On Small Journals, Art Blocks, and Non-Judgment

While working in my big altered book, All Things Sacred, I hit sort of a block.  The pages seemed so big and my ideas sparse.

I thought I'd give myself time away from the large page spread to work in my little pocket-sized Moleskine journal.  This little book I've worked on off and on.  It's been some months since I've returned to it.   In the book, I just let the pages be free and loose as a way to get me relaxed about creating.  So it is not as much about the product in this journal as it is allowing anything to come and not judging it.

Yesterday, I enjoyed making small spreads in this book.  I think there are nine more spreads to go before I finish the journal.  I love that this book is fat with art--not fancy art--but art nonetheless.

Today I may work in the book and look forward to finishing it.

If you come up on a block in your art, a small "play" journal is a great way to handle the block.


  1. I love your little Mole! And I love your advice about what to do when stuck. <3

  2. Thanks for sharing your art journal!
