Monday, August 5, 2013

On Blog Fear, Sundays, and Loungewear

Blogging along with Effy Wild's 30 blogs in 30 days/day 5

Written on Sunday night, August 4.

Blog fear.

Is that normal?  I'm not sure, but I feel it creeping in as the days go by.  And we're only on day five.

What will I have to say?  Have the words run out?

The author Willa Cather said that each of us has enough information in us by age 15 that we could write from forever.  I'm a lot older than 15, so I guess I have no excuse.  Hidden somewhere inside me are words--words for the blank blog page.

I tell my students, "Keep writing and something will bubble up."  But today I'm not sure.  I'm not feeling any bubbles.

Sometimes I think when we have Blogger's Block that it has to do with something we're not writing about--something we're afraid to put on the page.  So I'll try to get into the words by going through the back door.

What am I avoiding writing about today?  Well, it's 8:47 p.m., Central Time.  I usually have an early bedtime, so  I'm on the wind down for the night.  It's been a relaxing day of pillows and covers and naps and loungewear (also known as pajamas).

I guess I wonder if I should have done more today.  "Should haves" are usually not a great thing, but if that's what's bothering me then I need to look at it.

I could have painted or art journaled or worked on my writing or cleaned or read, but I rested.  It is Sunday.  Isn't there something about resting on Sundays?  So why do I give myself such a hard time.
It may be because I'm a preacher's kid and spent every Sunday in church (morning and night) and every Wednesday night in prayer meeting while growing up.

We had no loungewear days on Sunday in my childhood.  Maybe I longed for a day off from worship.  I have nothing against church, but the should haves may be why I can't let go of the feeling I need to be doing more.

Recently, I started a series of poems about Sundays.  Each Sunday I'd write another one.  I enjoyed seeing how much I had to say about Sunday.

We are, to some extent, what we were taught growing up.  Unless we choose not to be.  Nowadays I take loungewear Sundays a lot.

Tonight before I head to bed, I thought I'd do one thing so I won't feel so unproductive.  I typed tomorrow's blog while sitting here on my gold couch in my loungewear.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. sometimes I think the blog fear for me creeps up because not only do I wonder if I have anything to say but it turns into ... who do I think I am that I have something to say.

    That's just a big ole raspy gremlin. Dealt with that this morning ... so that was my blog post today. Gremlin has no place to hide now.
