Tuesday, August 13, 2013

On Dreams/Day 13

A poem I wrote on dreams.


When you're unsure and
your dreams seem captured
in another land, set out for
a journey to find them,
invite your feet to take you
there where you can fight
the beasts who have taken
your tongue, your hand
your heart hostage.  Invite
yourself to rage, to assert
how your new life warrants
dreams.  Then with a swipe
of the blade sharp into the
enemy, send them cowering.
Notice your dreams, sleepy-eyed
and weary appear from this
foreign land prison.  Take them
by the hand, one by one, and
tell them you love them and
carry them home.


  1. Replies
    1. Glad you like the imagery! Thanks always for commenting!!

  2. That is a fantastic poem Karen! I would love to be able to write poems but I can never find the right words.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Zoe! I'm so glad you liked the poem!

  4. I enjoyed your poem. Personal experience I take it?
