Tuesday, September 10, 2013

On Mother Earth, Green Hills, and the Divine Feminine

September 10, 2013, Posting in Moonshine Mother/The Earth as Mother

That’s what I feel when I consider the earth as a mother figure. We have this huge globe of Mother caring for us, watching over us, twirling in her daily fancy for us.

I remember being at a women’s spirituality retreat some time ago. At one point, I walked into the woods to observe, or see what observed me. It was the time of green in the seasons when everything effused life.

I walked around seeing moss attached to the rocks and stopping to feel its soft green pelt. I heard sticks crack under my feet. I picked one up to use as a walking cane of sorts. The heat soaked through my body. Suddenly I felt at one with all that was around me.

That’s when I saw her.

On the other side of a huge valley she lay. Her green knees were bent up towards the sun. She was on her back. Her legs were spread wide a part giving birth. The hills rounded and had become the Mother. The sky was her birthing room.

I was in awe.

It was as if I was witnessing something sacred. To me the sight of the hills resembling the Mother giving birth made me fill with gratitude.

She was in labor. She was birthing all women. I found it beyond beautiful. It was reverent to me. Holy.

I left that woodsy place feeling a deep closeness to Mother Earth. I had seen her in the birthing position. I had watched as she breathed in and out the pangs of bringing the world to life.

Even years later, I can see that scene in my mind’s eye as if I am standing on the edge of the wood watching her again—feeling the pulse of her mothering.
I thank her for being there.

I could almost touch her womb, rich with life. The Mother Earth made my birth possible that day—it was the birth of the Divine Feminine inside me.

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