Sunday, September 1, 2013

On Worrying, Criticizing, and Intending

I'm having trouble intending.

So much seems to be cramming itself in my head--a daughter flying to Germany right now for three months, a painting I need to mail Tuesday and not being sure how to do it, student papers to read, classroom plans to make, and on and on.

I intend not to worry so much while I take this class.  I intend to be fully present while participating.  I've already had some blips in the being present intention.  When I printed out my calendar and journal, I clicked on the link without prompts when I really wanted the one with prompts.  I "promptly" had to print out the journal with the prompts.  Not the best being present or paying attention I've done, but I'll keep on trying.

I intend to listen to the call of the Divine Feminine in my life, to accept her nudgings, to accept her love.

I intend to love myself through this process.  Sometime, maybe a lot of times, I'm too self critical.  I can mess up my process because I beat up on myself.  This has been a long time problem.  I intend to place my critical self on some hot air balloon far away from commenting on what I'm doing or berating me.

I intend to find more of my new self.  We are always evolving into the new.  I want my new self to be brave, strong, fearless, loving and kind.

I intend to open my heart to this class, to its participants, to Effy and to myself.

I intend to be changed.


  1. Best wishes with your intentions and know that by loving yourSelf through this (and through anything) you are accepting Her love.


  2. You write beautifully. I hope you will be showing some of your art too.

    1. Faye, Thanks for your comment. I will be showing some of my art as well. Art is the best thing that ever happened. I love your work!
